The annual holiday sale is upon us! I started this tradition several years ago for several reasons. One of the biggest reasons is to say thank you to my regular customers with an opportunity to save some money. As a matter of fact, the only place I advertise the buy one, get one free deal is in my newsletter. I don’t post anything about the sale on my social media accounts until the “freebies” are gone… which is usually in a matter of minutes! So, if you are new to this, read the rules and act quickly.
I’m doing the sale the same way as last year, entirely online, so be certain to check out the rules below. The online version of the sale debuted a couple years ago and was way easier than past years… no more early morning barrage of emails and phone calls! Thank you all again for another great season and good luck on the 2nd!
The Overview: At 8am EST on Monday, December 2nd, in the Shop section of my website, I will release a special buy one get one free gift certificate… that’s right, two guided trips for the price of one! It will be labeled as such and located under the Gift Certificates category in the Shop. There will only be 12 of them available and when they’re gone, they’re gone! Just like the inventory on a hat or anything else, you will be able to see the remaining inventory.
In addition, I am releasing a second gift certificate at the same time that will allow you to buy one guided trip and get a second for half off. There will be no limit on these and they will be available for purchase through December 23rd. So, even if you’re not fast enough to get one of the 12 BOGO’s, you can still get a pretty screaming deal!
Read below for full details and frequently asked questions…
How many can I buy? The only restriction is on the free trips. There is a one-trip limit on the freebies, meaning you can buy one and get one free. Past that, there is no limit on how many you may purchase for the 50% offer.
Do I have to book the date(s) when I purchase? No. I will email you a gift certificate that you may use anytime between 12/2/24 and 12/31/25.
Do all gift certificates have to be for the same person? No. Use two as gifts for the same person or for two different people. Give one as a gift and keep one for yourself. Or use them all for yourself – I won’t judge you!
How do I purchase gift certificates? Simply go to my website and go to the Shop section. Then click the Gift Certificate category. You will see the various gift certificate options there. Note that you will not see the sale gift certificates until 8am on December 2nd. If you do not see them at that time, I recommend refreshing your browser.
You can pay for the certificates by credit card or PayPal, the same way you purchase merchandise on my site. Under special instructions on the payment/shipping screen, please indicate who the certificate is for. You may also use that space to specify any other preferences like having me mail a hard copy of the certificate to a physical address. Otherwise, I will email you a pdf of the certificate.
When will I receive my gift certificate? It will not be instantaneous. I will still need to process the order, create the certificate and create a code for the booking system. I will email you the certificate later in the day on the 2nd.
How do I redeem my gift certificates? You can book online using your gift certificate. Go through the online booking system as always and at the payment screen, enter the coupon code from the gift certificate. Of course, you can always contact me via phone or email and I will make the reservation for you. Just mention that you have a gift certificate.
How long will I have to use my gift certificates? All gift certificates will have an expiration date of 12/31/25 and I ask that you please be mindful and respectful of this.
Why is there an expiration date? In addition to this annual offer, I donate multiple trips every year to charity fundraisers. I am happy to do both, but when free trips from years past blend with free trips of the current year, my calendar gets so full of free trips that I don’t have enough available days to produce revenue.
Are there any other restrictions? There are no seasonal or weekend restrictions. If the date is available, you can reserve it with your gift certificate. All of the same cancellation policies apply and there are unique policies for gift certificates. You are encouraged to view all Policies and Restrictions found under Booking and Rates on the web site.